Do you have leftover wallpaper scraps hanging around? Here are some clever ways to use your leftover paper to brighten up your home with some fun DIY family projects.
Frame your wallpaper
Got some extra picture frames? Mix and match your wallpaper prints for a bespoke shabby chic look.
Cover your books
Wallpaper scraps are a brilliant way to make them fit in with your room decor while protecting them in the process!
Line your drawers
Wallpaper is a fantastic way to give your drawers a cheery lining and protect them at the same time.
Decorate with room panels
Is there a room in your house that you feel uninspired by or just have no idea how to decorate? Bring it to life with wallpaper panels that have been framed. This is also a great solution if you find a paper you love but it’s too expensive to do a whole room!
Create new storage
Upcycle some extra boxes and paper scraps to transform them into beautiful storage boxes.
Cover old tin cans
We’ve probably all got a few extra tins and storage jars lying around. They make really cute vases when covered with pretty wallpaper, ribbon, lace and other embellishments, and can also be used for general storage.
Create a useful notice board
Another use for some old picture frames and paper scraps is to create a pretty notice board. Add a splash of colour to the frame to compliment your framed wallpaper, secure some string and add some mini pegs. How can we assist you? Drop us a mail or message us on social media and let us know.